Father’s Rights

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Father’s Rights

Either parent can seek an award of custody from the court. There is no longer a presumption of
custody to the mother. The “tender years doctrine” in New York State is long gone.
Unfortunately, an unfit parent will seek custody of the child for the wrong reasons.
I am skilled at demonstrating these cynical attempts to the court, and obtaining custody for
fathers who are faced with challenging situations. I have personally obtained custody for many
fathers, even those who were employed on a full-time basis, and have also obtained a change
in custody during high conflict litigation through trial if necessary.
The court will no longer decide custody cases based upon the gender of the parent alone. The
issue of custody is based upon the “best interest of the child” standard and I will zealously
advocate for my client’s rights regardless of gender.
I have litigated many cases successfully on behalf of my clients who were falsely accused of
abuse and domestic violence. I will strongly defend against cynical attempts to gain an unfair
advantage through these wrongful means. I have repeatedly enforced the parental rights of
clients who were denied access or visitation to their children by unfit parents and will continue to
do so.